Thursday, September 6, 2012

Fwd: There is a light

Circa 2 weeks ago....Getting close To Labuan Bajo on Flores.

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Begin forwarded message:

From: Peggy Hill <>
Date: September 4, 2012 12:13:46 PM GMT+08:00
To: Peggy Hill <>
Subject: There is a light

Just a line in a song I'm listening to while I try and meditate with the catalyst of a stunning Indonesian morning. I have to pay attention as we are coming to the way point where I must either teach myself how to use the curser on the computer which David " taught me" in3 min or less before he went below.
The morning brings a little wind,at 5.7 still not enough to raise a sail and cut the engine.
When I sit on these very moving mornings,on the bow,being as present as I can,taking in space with awareness,My mind with the dosage of endorphins wanders to all the many wonderful,funny,incredible places people nature that I've yet to write down.
This is our first passage with no kids,no crew,just the skipper and I. We left Kupang yesterday afternoon. I took the first watch till midnight,David let me sleep till5?6?!!! He was highly amused by some movie or TV show. Now,however,I hate to rise him but,alas,the brief lesson he left me with will not be enough for me to make the next waypoint by myself.
I'm very excited about Indonesia.There are so many islands and volcanos and giant lizards ,not to mention the rally full of boats and surely ,at least one new friend.
I'll cont later

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